Hello hello!

Summer is now behind us and autumn has arrived here in the Arctic Circle. Have you started your school year already? We have been studying hard in the Elf School for few weeks now. Us elves, we have noticed that it is basically impossible to study with an empty stomach. There for we have come up with delicious snacks, that we can enjoy between the studies.

In this month’s Santa’s Elf Club video Flippie the Elf makes an apple burger and that’s our ultimate favorite snack at the moment. It’s actually very easy to prepare apple snacks right now, because apple trees are dropping fresh fruits faster than we are able to eat those. Some might get tired of eating all the apples, but not us elves. This week we have prepared apple pie, -casserole, -juice, -kissel, and -jelly along with the apple burgers.

If you are running out of new ideas for snacks, go and check out the latest Santa’s Elf Club video. Lovely autumn time my friend and good luck in school!




Vanilla the Elf